by Adam Chase | Aug 19, 2024
So you’ve decided that you would like to work in the wine world, but, with little experience, you wonder if it is even possible. The short answer is, yes, it is. The way to do this, however, requires four keys: knowledge, confidence, networking and humility.
Years ago when I was looking to make the transition into the industry I realized I needed to expand my wine knowledge. Fun evening consumer classes were enjoyable, but I really wasn’t learning more than how to better select a wine off a list or navigate a shop’s selections. So I decided to explore the courses industry insiders valued. That led me to the WSET Level 2 and Level 3 programs.
Level 2 was eye opening. It not only gave me tasting tools, but also information on the basic choices winemakers make that affect style, quality and price. A fellow student in that course told me about an entry level retail position in a local retail store. The knowledge I accumulated in Level 2 gave me the confidence to interview with the shop manager and for the next 3 months on weekends I was dusting and stocking shelves, cutting up cardboard boxes and doing inventory checks.
This entry level work took some humility. I had an MBA from a great school and none of that course work included how to punch a time card or the best way to lift heavy cases! In fact one day a recruiter who was trying to get me to take a senior management job came in to the shop, saw me in my store uniform and gave me a look that said she was appalled at what I was doing. I never heard from her again…and I could not have been happier!
WSET Level 3 and then the Diploma program gave me even more knowledge, confidence and a network of connections. I became a wine and spirits teacher and eventually started my own business teaching WSET courses. By 2012 I had been named Wine Educator of the Year and regional wine associations were coming to me for advice and consultation.
The key success factors for me were being willing to do anything to gain some experience in wine and combining that with structured education. The education part was critical. It took time away from other things and certainly cost me more money than a consumer fun wine class would have, but it was an investment well worth it.
Of course I am biased, but if you would like to learn more about WSET wine classes check out the range of courses at Also, never hesitate to reach out here with questions.
by Adam Chase | May 23, 2024
The statistics on US and global wine sales are at best mixed. It appears consumers are drinking less wine – although the wines they do drink are higher quality and higher prices. The new generations that have come of legal drinking age in the last 10 years – Millennials and the older portion of Gen Z – look at all alcohol with an eye to its detriment to health. When they do choose alcoholic beverages, they often tend to be ready-to-drink cocktails and hard seltzers.
If you are looking to enter the wine industry the trends described above may give you, as well as potential employers pause. You may be thinking “will there be openings in the industry for me?” While potential employers may be skittish on adding staff. Still, there are things you can do to maximize your chances at being hired.
First, think about what you do well and like to do. Do you enjoy selling customers on wine? If you enjoy customer service and talking to people about wine, you might want to consider a retail sales job. Start by identifying wine shops in your area which you like, have strong reputations and often seem busy, particularly on weekends. Go in and talk to staff there. Ask them what it is like to work there, what owners look for in hiring and whether there is any part- or full-time opportunities.
Try to get a name and contact for the shop owner /manager. If they are not there when you make your first contact, then contact them and ask for opportunity to have an informational interview with them. Ask them how they got into the industry and what they would recommend for you. If you have a good feeling about them, ask if there are any even part time needs and be prepared to start at the bottom and work unpopular hours. If you do enough of these interviews you are bound to land some part time work.
If you are more into winemaking you need to research the vineyards in your area. Find out who is in charge of bringing on interns and do the same type of informational interview. Be willing to work for free as a starting point. If they have no internships, ask if there are select days during the harvest where they may need extra help and let them know you are willing to come in at a moment’s notice. Finally, if they seem to have no opportunities, ask who else – and what other vineyards – you should speak to.
Your success in any interview and ultimately entering the industry will be more successful if you have some respected wine education credential. The educational experience not only tells the person you speak with that you know something about wine, but it also has a few other advantages:
- It gives you more confidence at presenting yourself in an interview
- It enables you to dig deeper in responding to questions
- The classes allow you an opportunity to network with other students and teachers about opportunities.
The idea of creating confidence is behind all WSET course which is why we feel so strongly about them. In a down wine market this type of education is even more valuable. You can see everything we offer at
by Adam Chase | Mar 7, 2024
The WSET Level 3 Certificate in wine is one of the most enduring and popular courses in wine education. Level 3 has been part of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) curriculum for over 50 years and is respected and by every profession in the wine industry: sommeliers, retailers, importers, distributors, producers, and wine writers. It is the perfect course for a wine professional or someone looking to join the industry. It is also ideal for consumers who want a deeper dive into what is driving today’s wine styles.
The beauty of the WSET Level 3 program is that it has continued to evolve as consumer tastes, climates, technology, and trends have changed. The course provides a deep and broad foundation on what drives production decisions – natural factors and human choices – that ultimately result in specific styles. In doing so it delves into every major wine region and in the last 20 years that means greater attention to wines produced outside of Europe.
WSET Level 3 also focuses on tasting a huge range of wines –from global locations, price points and volume levels. The aim is to help identify the objective elements that define quality, while also understanding through a tasting experience how natural and human factors manifest themselves in the glass.
For individuals studying to be a sommelier, WSET Level 3 provides the theory needed to be confident about wine facts and make the most out of food and wine pairings. For anyone else in the industry that same confidence allows them to make better decisions and have substantive conversations with colleagues, producers, or consumers.
WSET Level 3 also attracts consumers who have a love of wine, food and culture because it goes beyond surface facts and really focuses in on how and why wines differ from each other. The level of knowledge that one has after taking Level 3 is something that will last and develop for a lifetime.
For all these reasons and more WSET Level 3 is the perfect course for anyone with a desire to work in or just better enjoy wine. You can see the next WSET Level 3 offerings at Grape Experience by clicking on this link:
by Adam Chase | Aug 28, 2023
The question that I am most frequently asked is, “how do I become a sommelier?” or “how do I become a wine expert and get a wine job?” Although there is no silver bullet answer that I can give, there are three elements that anyone can work towards that will make entering the wine industry more successful and enjoyable: confidence, knowledge, and tasting for quality.
Confidence is something anyone can achieve by building a knowledge base and developing a key set of skills. The more you study wine the more you realize there is more to learn. However, by building a foundation of information on wine production, you gain confidence. That confidence helps you express yourself and react to others’ ideas with conviction. It also provides a solid base on which to continue to learn – be it in a classroom, during winery visits and on the job. Confidence will help you appear stronger to potential employers by being able to understand, answer and build off their questions.
So how do you get that confidence or the knowledge base from which confidence comes? There are two skills that are critical: explanation and discussion of winemaking concepts and learning how to taste wine for quality.
Many people want to be in the wine industry because they like the pleasure and taste of wine. They find theory interesting to a point but then lose interest. The truth is that most of wine work does not involve tasting but rather focuses on theory. If you work in wine retail or distribution it is unlikely that you will taste all of wines in your portfolio or inventory. Even sommeliers who, at lease initially, taste most of the wines on their list, may not have tried everything or the latest vintage that has been produced. The way to fill that gap is to understand the theory behind that wine.
Confidence comes from looking at any major wine label and, without having tasted the contents of the bottle, be able to convey what that wine should taste like and why. The best way to achieve this is to take a comprehensive wine survey course. There are several classes that may fit the bill, but we recommend the Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET) Level 2 course. This program has been taught around the world for over 50 years and is specifically designed to build expertise and confidence. You can find out more at: Wine Courses for Beginners
Tasting is the element that most people both look forward to and at the same time dread! First, let’s define tasting at the professional level. This type of tasting is not about “do I like this wine” or “do I want to purchase a bottle.” Rather, it is about is this a good wine for the purpose for which it was made and is it representative of its region and style type. There are several wines that are made for mass market retailers or restaurants that are not meant to be complex or age worthy. It is just as important to distinguish quality here as it is when looking at premium wines.
Why do people dread tasting? The answer is lack of confidence. Most people doubt their ability to taste accurately thinking “what if I mistake a Grand Cru Burgundy for a Napa Cab?” The issue isn’t tasting blind but rather understanding the key components that make up a wine: appearance (color), Nose (aroma), Palate (acid, tannin, body, finish, etc.). All of this can be learned and the way to make it easier is to have a specific system and process to do so. WSET’s Systematic Approach to Tasting does just that. Other courses should do so as well, or they are not worth taking.
By building confidence through theory and tasting skills you will not only enjoy wine more and make yourself more suitable for a wine job, but you will also be better informed as to what part of the industry – if any – you would like to join.
by Adam Chase | Apr 12, 2023
A sommelier, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is, “a waiter in a restaurant who has charge of wines and their service.” That definition is pretty basic and in today’s wine world we can add quite a bit to it. A sommelier needs to be knowledgeable and trained in the art of food and wine pairing. They also need to be a guide to the customer who increasingly wants to know “why” a wine is the way it is and the story behind where it comes from. If you are interested in becoming a sommelier there are several steps you can take, including WSET courses in your training.
Some Sommeliers go through the Court of Master Sommeliers to become formally certified. There are also several regional organizations around the world including the North American Sommelier Association. Many of these groups offer levels of courses to help you develop sommelier skills. We have found that starting with a WSET Level 2 or 3 certification helps make ultimate certification success and job confidence much stronger.
WSET certificate holders are not sommeliers. Still, the style of learning with an emphasis on the theory behind wines that WSET courses emphasize can help prepare people to enter the Certified Sommelier program and achieve quicker levels of success. WSET students learn what makes a wine unique – the natural and human factors at work in the vineyard and winery – and then taste those wines to see that theory in a real glass of wine. WSET students learn a systematic way to taste wine that delineates the components that determine both quality and how that wine can be best paired with food. The result is a stronger foundation for the sommelier certification exams.
Some sommeliers never become certified as such but still have successful careers using the sommelier title. Sommelier is not in and of itself a controlled term, so no specific education is required. That stated, we recommend that people take some level of wine course before going into the industry. These course build confidence through knowledge development and begin to train palates so that better food-wine pairings can be made. In short, they empower future sommeliers for success.
So, what steps to take? First, we recommend getting a job or even an unpaid internship working with a restaurant sommelier. Learn from them. You may start as wait staff in a restaurant and offer help to the sommelier. Ask the sommelier there to let you attend tastings or do inventory. At first this may be on your own unpaid time but if you prove valuable your basic waiter job description may expand.
Second, take a wine course to build your confidence. Some of these courses will be easy and just confirm what you already know – or think you know. That confirmation is important because some things you think you know you might be off the mark. Correct these imperfections early. Course such as WSET Level 2 are a good place to start.
Continue to take higher level courses. Wine success relies on continuing to build knowledge WSET Level 3 or courses by the Court of Master Sommeliers will help you do just that.
Finally, if this is a career you really want to pursue, become a certified sommelier through the Court. These courses are offered in cities around the world and having a certification on your resume will definitely stand out to employers.
Whichever direction you take make sure that you are having fun and keeping everything in perspective. Consumers drink wine for enjoyment. As a sommelier it will be your job to make sure they achieve that goal.
by Matthew Gaughan | Jul 7, 2019
Q&A with Grape Experience educator and DipWSET Matthew Gaughan on why the WSET Diploma is a must for wine trade professionals.
What were you doing when you started the Diploma and where are you now?
I started the Diploma in Manchester in the UK when I was working for Hangingditch Wine Merchants, an independent wine shop and bar. Later that year, I moved to California and finished the Diploma with Grape Experience in San Francisco. Taking the Diploma in two different countries opened me up to varied wine cultures and approaches to selling and drinking wine. Now I teach WSET for Grape Experience – it’s been quite a journey from student to educator.
How has the Diploma impacted your professional career?
In a very literal sense, I know so much more about wine than when I started the Diploma. That means I can speak to students and customers at the wine shop I work with authority – that builds up respect and trust. I can also apply that wine to so many aspects of my career in wine – buying wine, writing about wine, educating, and even when I travel. If I hadn’t taken the Diploma, it really would have limited my possibilities in the wine industry – and my enjoyment of working in it.
What would you say to individuals who are considering taking on the course? Any words of advice?
My advice is always: make sure you give yourself enough time to study and don’t get side-tracked by tasting. The theory is more difficult. I’ve actually set up a podcast, Matthew’s World of Wine and Drink, with episodes specifically designed to address theory topics that many of my students have found helpful. Diploma is all about demonstrating your understanding of the subject – if you can explain a topic to friends, family, or colleagues, then you will be able to do it in an exam no problem. Practice, practice, practice.
Are you excited about the changes to the Diploma?
The new Diploma is really going to help students get the most out of the course. What’s expected of students is much clearer – that it’s not just about the “what,” it’s about applying and explaining your knowledge. I’m looking forward to teaching it in August and seeing how it works in practice. I think students and educators alike are going to benefit greatly from the changes.
If you have passed your WSET Level 3 Wine and would like to embark on the new Diploma in Wine don’t wait. The new materials are available now and the first section, “Wine Production,” meets August 3-4 in San Francisco. You want to have time to read the incredible new Diploma textbook before class. Register at this link: D1 & D2 – San Francisco Traditional Course