Why You Should Take a Wine Class this Spring or Summer

You’ve been thinking about taking a wine course for some time, but for whatever reason you’ve been putting it off.  Well now is the best time of the year to take a wine class. Here’s why:


  1. It’s spring, the time of year for outdoor parties, picnics and outings and knowing something about wines makes all of these activities better. Advancing your wine knowledge gives you an opportunity to take an ordinary event and add something special.  You’ll be able to introduce friends to wines like Gavi, Bandol, Tavel, Rueda or Zweigelt with the confidence of knowing that the particular lesser known varietal or place is absolutely perfect for the warmer weather occasion.


  1. Spring is a season of new beginnings, a time to challenge yourself and learn something different. Wine is a great subject around which to build new skills and knowledge. Moreover, its wine – not rocket science or economics!  You can choose to go as deep or as broad as you like in the subject without thinking you have to master the entire world of wine.  And you get to incorporate science and history into the study of wine while giving your taste buds new sensations.


  1. If you work in the industry or want to get into a wine business, a class will fill in missing bricks in your knowledge foundation at a time when consumers are looking for something different to drink. You can speak with more confidence and authority about new styles and places and help other people break out of traditional wine habits.


  1. It’s fun! A good wine class is entertaining and involves group discussion and, of course, tasting. The social aspect alone exposes you to new people and ideas.

So which class is right for you? Grape Experience suggests WSET Level 1 or Level 2 in wine.  Both are beginner classes, with Level 2 going into a little more depth than Level 1.  These are generalist, structured classes geared to give participants an engaging way to build wine knowledge.

We have WSET Level 1 and Level 2 starting this June on weekends in the Bay Area.  You can see the schedule and enrollment links here:

Wine Courses for Beginners

So, go ahead and take the plunge.  Sign up for any wine course that seems like a good fit for you.  It will make your spring and summer incredibly memorable.

So You Want to Become A Wine Educator

People constantly ask me how they can become a wine educator (often hoping to teach WSET courses).  My first response is to ask, “why do you want to teach?” The answers fall into five categories:

  1. I want to share what I know with others
  2. I think it is the logical thing to do once I get my certification, isn’t it?
  3. I think it would be fun
  4. Umm….
  5. I want to help other people grow their wine knowledge, be more confident and have more enjoyment with wine

Answers 1-4 always make me suspicious.  Often, people get a certificate and just want to announce to others that they have achieved something special.  These people are often the worst teachers because they pontificate rather than coach and support students.

Teaching can be fun, but it is also hard work that involves preparation, patience and consistent re-evaluation for continuous improvement. The goal is to help other people learn and grow in a way that builds knowledge, skills and the confidence to use them. Rarely is this just telling a student what they should know but rather helping them tell you what they have learned.

A good teacher balances being an entertainer, manager and knowledge sharer.  Some people are natural teachers who inspire other people to want to know more, while also keeping a class on topic and on time.  They can easily read individuals in the classroom and what their learning needs are.  For other people developing good teaching skills takes more work. While still others probably are just not suited for teaching – even if they know a lot about wine (by the way, there is no shame in this, as wine knowledge and teaching ability are unrelated).

If you do think you might like to be a wine educator there are some steps, you can take to build your skills and see if you are suited to the role.  I suggest starting small with the process here:

  1. Teach Others Informally

Start by hosting a fun in-home wine tasting party. Pick 3-5 wines you like and create a plan on what you want to tell your friends about them.  Think about what they might want to know and what their mood and mind set will be (likely to have fun, learn something without being overwhelmed and to enjoy each other’s company).  What nuggets of information can you give them that they will be able to see when they taste the wine and then use in the future? Then ask for honest feedback – what did they like, what did they think you could have done better? Also, be kind to yourself.  You will be nervous and that is OK.  Try to do these wine tasting events regularly until you feel you and your audienceis really enjoying them.

  1. Ask to Train Other People at Work

Regardless of whether you work in the wine industry, look for opportunities to train co-workers, new hires or educate customers in whatever you do.  Create session plans for formal training and find means to gauge whether your audience was engaged and learned.  For consumers, think about how you build a relationship.  For any person you want to get good at empathizing, understanding their needs and ability to understand new information.

  1. Teach a Fun Consumer Wine Course

Think about a one-night short wine class that you might enjoy teaching – but more importantly, that you think individuals might sign up for.  Plan out how the session would go down to the minute (build in time for extended tasting).  Then seek out an adult education center and propose it to them.  Have a budget for the wine and be prepared at first to possibly offer your time for free.  Once you have a scheduled course, teach it first to a few friends or family so you can get the timing down and work out kinks that didn’t show up on paper.  Think about teachers you enjoyed learning from. What did they do?  Can you emulate their approach in any way? Keep teaching these classes and get and be open to feedback – It is the only way you can improve.

  1. Co-Teach a WSET or Other Certification Class

When you feel that you have developed good teaching skills – that students are engaged by your style, that you can control a room and manage time and that participants are actively learning from you – ask a WSET APP or other wine certification program if you can teach part of an entry level course.  When the opportunity arrives do your homework.  Ask about the class dynamic, the classroom and review the session plan with whoever you are sharing the class with.  Then practice at home before the actual session.  After the class, think about what went well and what did not.  Then speak honestly with your co-teacher and express what you felt and really listen to what they thought.

Be honest with yourself about both your skills and your enjoyment level when teaching.  If you don’t really love doing it, your class/audience won’t be engaged or happy either.  You may find that the fun non-certification classes are more what you like doing.  You might find the whole process is just not for you.  Or you may find that you can inspire other people in a way that makes both you and them really happy!

New WSET Diploma in Wines Starts August 3

New WSET Diploma in Wines Starts August 3

In January and February, all of Grape Experience educators – including myself – attended day-long workshops to learn about the new WSET Diploma in Wine that’s being introduced in August. There are some major changes to the current Diploma program in both teaching approach and in content. It was critical that all WSET educators understand the intentions behind the new Diploma in order to be able to teach the new program successfully.

I am incredibly excited about the changes, which I think will greatly aid students in their approach to studying for and taking the rigorous set of Diploma exams. First of all, the new Diploma will be more interactive: there will be an online textbook and an extensive library of resources for students to access. The classroom experience will be less lecture-based with more dialogue between educators and students – an opportunity for us all to learn from each other and also to put our understanding into practice.

As educators at Grape Experience, we have always tried to make clear how best to approach the Diploma exams in order to pass them, but it has not always been easy. The key to the Diploma is to apply your knowledge rather than simply state the facts. That hasn’t changed, but WSET now makes that aspect much more explicit.

The Diploma is now logically organized into two approaches. The first two units, D1 and D2, are classed as “foundation units.” As the name suggests, these provide the foundation for the rest of the exams. D1 is focused on wine production – i.e. the vineyard, the winery, and post-fermentation. This used to be assessed by a multiple-choice exam, but now it consists of open-response questions so that students can demonstrate their understanding. This new exam approach should help students better retain and apply viticulture and winemaking knowledge in later units.

D2 is the business of wine, which also consists of open-response questions and no longer has an exam based on a pre-issued case study scenario. Both of these two units must be taken before going into the later units to ensure that students have a foundation of knowledge which they can apply when answering questions about the wines of the world.

The other three units focus on production knowledge. D3 is wines of the world, similar to the current Unit 3, while D4 is sparkling wines and D5 is fortified wines. D3 hasn’t significantly changed, except for one major aspect: WSET’s Global Director of Education Karen Douglas emphasized that students are given more time for both tasting and theory so that the best students have the opportunity to convey their knowledge and understanding. The sparkling and fortified wine exams are now much more in line with D3, in that they have more complete, open-response questions rather than simple statements that “previously invited students to dump their knowledge.”

Finally, students finish their studies with D6, a research paper of 3,000 words focusing on current issues in the world of wine – a natural conclusion from the previous five units.

For students already taking the Diploma, there are some important things to note:

  • all previous passes from exams already taken stand: you do not need to retake any exam you have already passed.
  • Karen stressed that the WSET has worked intently to make the changes as transitional as possible – taking the new courses and exams will not be an upheaval; in fact, there will be a lot more material and resources to help you pass future exams.
  • the online textbook will be available in July. It will contain information you have already studied, but it is worth going to as a resource and for review.
  • there is no longer a spirits element to the Diploma. Existing students who have passed the spirits exam are able to earn the Diploma in Wine and Spirits. If you haven’t taken the spirits exam, then you are able to earn the Diploma in Wine.

The work that the WSET education team has put into the new Diploma program is amazing and represents a significant improvement in all aspects of the current course. I anticipate these changes will give the students a much better chance of passing the Diploma while still maintaining its rigorous standards. The WSET have put a great deal of time and effort to create the new Diploma, and I think they have done a superb job.

Look for the new Diploma to be first offered for D1 Winemaking the weekend of August 3-4 in San Francisco and shortly thereafter in Boston.

WSET New Spirits Classes

2019 will mark the start of several new WSET Spirits programs.  The renowned education company has created a suite of Spirits only courses focused on today’s drinks business and the trends shaping it.  With three Levels (1-3) in Spirits there is a course for everyone.  Grape Experience will host a Level 2 Spirits course in San Francisco February 2-3 and you can find out more at WSET Spirits Level 2 San Francisco.

The interview below with WSET USA’s Spirits Development Manager, Rob McCaughy brings to life how these classes were shaped.

Q&A with Rob McCaughy, WSET USA Business Development Manager – Spirits & Sake

With more than 20 years experience working in the hospitality and beverage industries throughout Europe, Asia and the USA, Rob McCaughy has a wealth of knowledge of the drinks business. In his current role, he is responsible for the continued growth of WSET’s spirits and sake qualifications within the USA. Here we catch up with him for an in-depth look at the WSET’s new Level 3 Spirits course, slated to roll out in 2019.

How does this new course fit into spirits trends today?

Beverage professionals have had access to great objective education in the wine and beer sectors for some time but the spirits segment of the industry has traditionally been dominated by brand-led initiatives. The spirits sector has been on an upward trajectory for many years now and more and more beverage professionals are looking for impartial spirits education to deepen and broaden their knowledge and understanding.

We currently have a spirits module in our Diploma qualification and beyond that our levels 1 & 2 Spirits certifications provide a great entry point. However, there is a gap in the market for an in-depth spirits focused program and we feel that the Level 3 Spirits qualification will fill that void. The spirits module of the Diploma will be removed from August 2019 to coincide with the launch of this course – which we hope will provide the missing link for those who have completed Level 2 Spirits and are looking to progress further.

What spirits are covered?

The content will be split into two sections: depth and breadth.

Section 1/Depth: Students will need to be able to describe in detail the key characteristics of the core global spirits categories as well as understand decisions made at every stage of production, the impact those decisions will have and explain why a spirit has a certain style and quality.  In the examination these spirits will be assessed using both multiple choice and short answer questions.

The spirits covered in this section are: Bourbon, Rye Whiskey (US), Tennessee Whiskey, Scotch, Cognac, Armagnac, Caribbean Rum, Tequila, Mezcal, Vodka and Gin.

This is not an attempt by WSET to say these spirits are somehow superior to others. In order to dive deep into the ‘why’ of spirits production we needed to select a small number of spirits in order to make the course manageable. They also needed to be globally accessible and we feel that the selection above achieves this.

Section 2/Breadth: These are the spirits students will only need to know about – the key facts and styles to be assessed using multiple choice. For some, a number of these spirits are personally or professionally important.

The spirits covered are: Irish Whiskey, Canadian Whisky, Japanese Whisky, other whiskies, Grappa, Pisco (Chile and Peru), Brandy de Jerez, South African brandy, European fruit spirits, Sotol, other agave spirits, Cachaça, other rums, Baijiu, Shōchū, Soju, flavored vodka, Genever, spiced rum, flavored whiskey, aquavit, aniseed spirits, liqueurs, bitters and aromatized wines.

What are the differences between the different levels?

All of our qualifications are tiered to develop key competencies in students. Level 1 courses are designed to provide a foundation of knowledge and facts.  At Level 2, the student begins to expand upon those foundations and begins to develop a broader understanding and the ability to compare and contrast as well as describe key processes and procedures.  For both of these levels a multiple-choice assessment is sufficient to ensure that the key learning outcomes have been met.  Once a student reaches Level 3 we begin to develop some of those key critical thinking skills to be able to not only understand and explain the ‘how’ but also the ‘why’.  This is difficult if not impossible to assess through multiple-choice testing so short answer theory questions are required to show that these skills have been acquired.

What sort of trade is WSET Spirits geared towards: retailers, bartenders, enthusiasts?

There is a course for everyone, whether an enthusiast just looking for a framework to underpin their enjoyment, someone just starting their journey in the spirits business, or an industry veteran.  By focusing on developing core competencies and skills in the student rather than solely concentrating on product knowledge and rote learning, our courses are designed to give students not only a level of understanding but also the confidence to make qualitative assessments.

If you’re a distiller, is this a course you should take?

With the proliferation of craft distilleries emerging in recent years there has never been a greater need for courses that will not only provide an understanding of the benchmark expressions within a category but also the tasting skills necessary to make qualitative assessments.  We have had a great response from the distilling community and I certainly see our Level 3 course has been a valuable tool for any serious distiller.  Most professionals tend to live in a particular bubble or lane, focusing on one particular category. By providing an understanding of processes involved across all categories our Level 3 course provides opportunities for distillers to tweak and hone their best practices as well as to innovate.

Does it cover cocktails? Is it more production or service based?

One of our learning outcomes for Level 2 is an understanding of how spirits are best served and cocktail applications as well as the key considerations when making a balanced cocktail.

At Level 3 we are really focusing on four key competencies:

1)    Develop detailed knowledge of the spirits of the world

2)    Provide accurate descriptions of complex processes

3)    Ability to explain why certain processes are required and how they affect a spirit’s style and quality

4)    Ability to reasonably and confidently assess the quality level of a spirit

5 Reasons to Start the WSET Diploma this Summer

5 Reasons to Start the WSET Diploma this Summer

The WSET Diploma Certificate (Level 4) is one of the most recognized and valuable credentials in the wine world.  This challenging two-year program offers people who already have strong wine knowledge, the opportunity to go to an elite level.  The program will be significantly revised in 2019 but if you are thinking about Diploma, now is the time to start (WSET Diploma Online). Here’s why:

  1. Diploma isn’t a static course, but a dynamic set of focused “units” that are constantly updated to reflect today’s trends and issues facing the wine and spirits industry.The changes that go into effect in August 2019 are just a more comprehensive continuation of updates that happen every year to reflect new underlying forces shaping the wine market.
  2. Diploma candidates learn through personal exploration – not through a set textbook. To do well in Diploma students need to follow their own curiosity, explore producer and regional web sites and venture out into the field – be it a winery, distillery or retail business visit. This learning method, with WSET giving students an outline of what they need to know, is what makes Diploma so relevant and fun, and it will continue to be a guiding principal of Diploma for years to come.
  3. The current Diploma program offers candidates a chance to explore the spirits industry alongside wine. In the program that will take effect summer 2019, spirits will be eliminated.  If you want the Diploma in Wine and Spirits you must start this summer.  Conversely, if you want to start this summer but don’t want to take the spirits unit that is a definite option.
  4. Grape Experience has been delivering the current Diploma program for over 12 years – the longest running US provider west of the Mississippi and recognized with an Educator of the Year award. We understand what it takes to succeed in today’s Diploma program and we offer individualized personal coaching backed by hundreds of successful candidates who achieved their Diploma studying with Grape Experience.
  5. Candidates who start Diploma now will be in no way disadvantaged when the revised Diploma in Wine program comes into effect. Anything you pass before August 2019 will be credited towards the new Diploma and there will be no additional requirements added – Diploma has 6 units you need to pass today and there will remain 6 in the future.

WSET Diploma is an exceptional learning opportunity that allows you to interact with people from all over the wine world.  It is a chance to develop superior analytical skills while also making contacts and developing friendships that will last a lifetime.  The knowledge, confidence and personal growth that Diploma offers is invaluable.

Take advantage of starting the program this August.  You can find out more at https://www.grapeexperience.com/wset-diploma-san-francisco/or feel free to contact me, Adam Chase at adamc63@me.comor by calling 415-309-0761.  I would really enjoy discussing the opportunity that lies ahead for you!

2018 The Year To Join A WSET Class!

2018 The Year To Join A WSET Class!

I hear from many people with interest in Grape Experience WSET courses who are unsure where to start or if they want to make the commitment. Those who do take the plunge always feel great about it.  If you are thinking you would like to explore WSET Wine, Sake or Spirits education there is no time better than now!

How to Decide Where to Begin:

WSET courses are broken out by “Levels,” and these terms can be confusing.  Each level has a specific end goal or learning outcome regardless if it is for Wine, Sake or Spirits.  For Wine and Spirits most people have enough knowledge already to skip right to Level 2.  Sake is lesser known and Level 1 may make the most sense.

Level 1: Define and Understand

Level 1 focuses on true beginner knowledge. We answer questions such as:

  • What is wine or sake?
  • What basic styles does it come in – dry, sweet, sparkling, red, white and rosé?
  • What is the best way to serve it – temperature, glassware, food pairings

I often say for the wine courses that if you know that Chardonnay is a white grape that makes white wine that should be served chilled, and that Cabernet Sauvignon is usually a red wine, then it might make more sense to start at Level 2.

For Sake, however, Level 1 can be an easy way to start exploring a beverage category that is growing each day.  We offer Level 1 Sake a few times each year with the next courses starting this winter WSET Sake Class

Level 2: Identify and Describe

Level 2 is where most WSET wine and spirit candidates start.  Courses under Level 2 are also fine as beginner classes but they go into more depth then Level 1.  The goal here is for a student to be able to look at any major wine or spirit bottle and describe what is expected inside without having to taste it – that doesn’t mean that we don’t taste in Level 2 classes – we absolutely do and a great component of Level 2 is to build strong foundational tasting skills.

Students who take Level 2 often tell me that their confidence has skyrocketed when it comes to choosing or talking about wines and spirits.  I think Level 2 provides a smoother, perhaps less risky entry into the WSET system of courses, even for people with already strong wine knowledge.  Our next set of Level 2 courses starts this February:  Wine Courses for Beginners

Level 3: Explain

Level 3 is significantly more challenging than Level 2 and demands more study and participation time from the participant.  Still, the depth of knowledge and tasting ability that comes from a Level 3 course is totally worth the effort.  Level 3 courses do not have prerequisites.

The basic goal of Level 3 courses is for the participant to be able to explain the reasons why a wine or sake looks, tastes, and costs the way/amount it does.  This Level deeply delves into natural and human forces that impact production and quality.  Tasting plays an equal role to the theory here and students will certainly learn to blindly identify through sight, smell and taste how a wine or sake is made and its ultimate quality Level.

Level 4 Diploma: Analyze

Currently WSET only offers a Level 4 course in Wine and Spirits.  This is a two-year program that requires participants first pass the Level 3 Wine course. The goal here is to learn to analyze the natural and human production factors, market trends and new technologies/approaches that are shaping today’s wine and spirit markets.

Participants build skills through first-hand, as well as book investigation into the major global wine and spirits production centers and companies.  The course is incredibly challenging but well worth it!

So, there is no time like the present!  Check out all of the WSET courses we offer and take the plunge!


Innovation & Shortlist for WSET 2017 Educator of the Year

Innovation & Shortlist for WSET 2017 Educator of the Year

[slider]Every WSET Certified Educator and Approved Program Provider brings new ideas and methods to the classes they teach.  These approaches often put a unique spin that can make material more relevant to the geographic area and understandable for the student.  Grape Experience over its 12+ year history has implemented ideas have helped students taking WSET courses gain more knowledge, confidence and success.  I am honored that once again WSET has recognized me by shortlisting me for 2017 Educator of the Year.

In 2017, we introduced three major new approaches to enhance our WSET courses:  The Systematic Approach to Theory, an alternate New World Syllabus for Level 3 Wine, and Sake courses in contextual settings.  These adaptions to already great programs will further encourage students to challenge themselves and become more successful.

The Systematic Approach to Theory

Over the years I have found that most students focus their study time on tasting – particularly WSET Level 3 and Diploma candidates.  This “trap” seems logical – many students believe they already know enough theory to pass an exam, and almost everyone I have met lacks some confidence in their tasting ability (even if they are great tasters!).  Also, practicing tasting is fun – you get to drink and often be in a social/fun setting.  The results on exams, however, suggest this is a mistake.  Tasting pass rates are much higher than those for Theory. Often, I hear students leave a theory exam muttering, “I never thought they’d ask…”

The Systematic Approach to Theory that I, along with Grape Experience Educators, developed is a way to focus students on Theory and work it into their daily lives.  It involves two simple components:  Tasting for Theory and Teaching.

Every time a student tastes wine is an opportunity to study Theory.  Yes, we are actually encouraging tasting but in a new way. Whether it is in a restaurant, bar, tasting group or any social setting, a student is encouraged to think theory.  First, where is this wine made and what are the natural factors that impact its style (climate, topography, soils, etc.).  Then, what are the options humans can take to further influence its style (blending, maceration and fermentation techniques, oak, etc.). We suggest a student carry a digital or paper notebook where they can make quick notes as to what they don’t know and need to look up.  This paper trail better focuses a student on the key salient points.

The second element – teaching – helps a student commit to memory what they are learning.  Teaching moments occur every day:

  • When the student is out to dinner or at a bar with friends, pick a wine and explain to friends in detail the natural and human factors that go in to it – again using the notebook to jot down what they can’t remember/don’t know.
  • At work find a wine each day and educate co-workers/customers throughout the day on that wine. Find reasons to build it into conversation.
  • Create themed wine tasting social/practice events and educate friends and colleagues on a wine or region. In most cases the people being taught will be fascinated, while the student gets valuable study opportunity.

We have found that actually speaking out what you are studying better commits knowledge to memory than just writing it down.  In Grape Experience WSET Diploma courses we start every session with a formal Systematic Approach to Theory exercise using real wines.

The New World in Level 3

The Level 3 in Wine that was introduced in late 2016 is perhaps the most innovative, best new WSET course ever.  The course composes 15 sessions of which three cover New World countries.  Students wanted more so we re-worked the syllabus to enable an additional New World session without adding more course hours.  In doing so, we were able to create a different approach to New World geographies.

Grape Experience instructors clustered the major New World regions into like areas:

  • The two largest geographies, both relatively warm but with multiple microclimates – Australia and North America – were split into two sessions one for white and another for red wines.
  • Two smaller cooler climate regions – New Zealand and Chile – were taught together, as were the mostly warmer South Africa and Argentina.

The result is that students can in real time compare and contrast the natural and human factors that impact wine style, while focusing in on specific geographies important to their market. This “local” approach to a great course meets student requests without sacrificing any material.

Sake in Context

The WSET Levels 1 and 3 Sake courses demystify a new category of alcoholic beverages and expose students to the variety of sake production and style options.  We found that, unlike wine or spirits, sake was completely new to most students.  Rather than teach this program in a traditional classroom we brought it to the production and service sources – either teaching it at a Japanese Izakaya/restaurant or a sake brewery.

Sake students now have all around them the elements of production and service.  The material in the course comes alive, as students have opportunities to interact with sake sommeliers and producers and explore on their own concepts in the lectures and written materials.  The results so far have been greater engagement and stronger positive reviews for WSET Sake courses taught by Grape Experience.

I am proud that WSET has recognized all that we are doing to give students the best education opportunities we can.  In 2012, we were given the Educator of the Year Award and this year I was shortlisted for the 2017 Educator of the Year.  This is an honor for me personally but would not have been possible without a terrific team of certified educators behind me, as well as students really engaging in the material WSET offers.  I look forward to continued innovation in the new year ahead.

Building Confidence with WSET Level 1 and WSET Level 2

Building Confidence with WSET Level 1 and WSET Level 2

You’ve decided to start a career in wine. Your excited but nervous and keep asking yourself, “am I really qualified and do I know as much as I need to know to be successful?”

Or maybe you’ve just started getting interested in wine, and your friends seem to know so much more than you. Never fear – the Wine & Spirits Education Trust (WSET) has a solution that will give you the confidence you need in any situation. The WSET suite of beginner courses are designed to be fun, interactive and, most of all practical.

WSET Level 1

WSET Level 1 is a straightforward one day experience that delivers you the basics on grape varieties, wine styles, service, and matching food and wine. It also provides a primer on how to taste wine to assess quality – no more wondering if you are doing the right things when opening a bottle!

WSET Level 1 gives you hands on experience that literally peels apart a grape to understand how this squishy round fruit is transformed into an elegant beverage. You also experience through trial and error how to correctly pair wine and food flavors. By the end of the day you are armed with the foundational information you need to confidently discuss wine with anyone.

WSET Level 1 is ideal for the person who is just starting to explore the world of wine in their career or their social life. It is also a perfect landing spot for anyone interested in a more structured wine certificate course, but who doesn’t want the commitment of multiple class days.

WSET Level 2

WSET Level 2 is an equally good starting place for a beginner that covers the same information as Level 1 but goes further. You do not need to have taken Level 1 to enroll in Level 2.

WSET Level 2 is a journey into the major grape varietals that are grown around the world. Over eight class segments you learn the basics of what factors impact a wine’s style, quality and price – not just on paper but through actually tasting and assessing over 45 wines.

WSET Level 2 takes you to the original regions for Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Riesling and multiple other grapes. It then shows you how those same vines are transformed when taken to new geographies such as Australia, South Africa or California. Mastering wine labels and decoding terminology is a critical part of the WSET Level 2 course. The result is that you will have the confidence to talk about any major wine, whether you have tasted what is in the bottle or not!

WSET Level 2 is perfect for the complete beginner as well as the person who already has some foundational wine knowledge. If you are beginner this course will give you the tools to move forward with assurance into the world of wine. For the person who already has basic wine knowledge, WSET Level 2 will expand on what you know, fill in any major gaps and set you on a path of more wine enjoyment and authority.

Confidence is the name of the game for both WSET Level 1 and WSET Level 2. Both classes will provide the boost that makes you more self-assured when talking about wine and gives the people around you the sense that you know what you are talking about.

Grape Experience Wine & Spirit School offers WSET Level 1 and WSET Level 2 throughout the year. New Level 2 courses start this month and enrollment details can be found at:


Level 1 meets in San Francisco on February 5 and in Boston on April 9 and enrollment details can be found at:


WSET Level 2 In Wine & Spirts – The Perfect Beginner Course

One of the most common things I hear from people interested in the WSET program is “I want to take Level 2 but I can’t because I haven’t taken Level 1 yet.”

Let me set the record straight: you do not have to take Level 1 to take Level 2.  In fact, for most people who have some basic wine knowledge I strongly recommend starting with Level 2.

Level 2 is the perfect entry into formal wine study and, as a course, builds a complete foundation for future learning or a confident, successful wine career.  People enter Level 2 with various degrees of knowledge.  Some people may know very little beyond grape names and wine brands – their foundation has a few key “brick” out, but needs to be more formally built.  Other people may know quite a lot about a specific wine or wine region – Napa or Bordeaux for example – but have limited knowledge about other producing areas such Australia, Chile or Germany.  For this person Level 2 fills in the holes and creates a solid wine knowledge structure.

Confidence is the key word to describe the outcome of a successful Level 2 candidate.  The course focuses on creating a strong understanding of the major wine grapes and how they show themselves in regions across the globe.  Level 2 provides a survey of wine styles and levels of quality.  After Level 2, a student can look at any major wine label and identify how that wine should taste, its level of quality and relative price point.  They can speak about, purchase and make recommendations on wine with confidence.

Level 2 also showcases how to taste like a professional. It introduces WSET’s famous Systematic Approach to Tasting, which creates an even playing field to compare and contrast all wines.  During the 8 segments of the Level 2 course over 45 wines are tasted.

Level 2 delivers students enough knowledge to make them savvy wine consumers or assured wine professionals, but not so much as to overwhelm them.  Grape Experience Level 2 classes are interactive and designed to be fun. People work together to figure out how to speak about a wine and creatively convey its attributes.  There are no wrong answers or dumb questions.  Instead, the class is a safe place to formulate new ideas, build better understanding and to network with other people.

The Level 2 course culminates with a one-hour, 50-question multiple choice exam.  The exam tests knowledge learned in a fun, almost game-like way.  I like to say it is sort of like playing “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” except you can’t phone a friend or ask the audience.  What you can do is usually eliminate two of the four answer options.

So who is Level 2 really for?  The answer is just about everyone. If you are thinking of taking a formal wine course or starting the WSET program than Level 2 is for you.  If you are working in wine but want to enhance your knowledge to be better at your job or grow in your career, Level 2 is the place to start.  If you are thinking about starting a career in wine or want to work in regions outside of the US than Level 2 is what you need to begin that process!

Grape Experience has several options available to join a Level 2 course.  All can be found at https://www.grapeexperience.com/wine-and-spirit-school/beginner-wine-courses/

How to Succeed in Getting the WSET Diploma: Top Tips from People Who Know

How to Succeed in Getting the WSET Diploma: Top Tips from People Who Know

The WSET Level 4 Diploma is one of the most sought after and challenging certifications in the wine industry.  Grape Experience is one of the few select WSET providers in the world who have been given approval to offer the Diploma. The course of study involves passing six sub-courses or “units.”  It is an understatement to say achieving Diploma certification is difficult. It takes maximum effort and knowing the best strategies to approach the enormous amount of material.

Grape Experience has had tremendous success in getting many of our Diploma candidates over the finish line.  We asked those now Diploma holders to share their top study tips.  I have grouped them into five key areas below.  Following their advice is not a guarantee of passing, but if you are thinking of taking on Diploma, incorporating their suggestions will put you in the best position for success.

Tip 1: Form a study group early on in the program

Everyone mentioned a study group as a main key to their success.  Study groups should be not only for tasting, but also for theory.   Just about all Diploma holders admitted theory questions were the most challenging part of the exams.

In person or virtual group meetings should happen every month if not weekly, and as long as two people attend, said one Diploma holder, it is worth getting together.  For theory, Diploma holders suggest each week preparing a topic from a past exam and sharing essays or essay outlines.  This can easily be done virtually with each member of the group submitting their essays/outlines via email or a platform like Dropbox.

Tasting sessions should be used to train the palate and enable you to start to get the key elements of wine styles by region.  They also build confidence and cut the expense of having to buy all of the wines you need to taste on your own.

Tip 2. Utilize DAPS and the Study Support Sections of the WSET Global Campus

Most Diploma holders admitted that the Diploma Assessment Preparation Scheme (DAPS) for Unit 3-6 was frustrating. They love the idea that DAPS gives you real personal examiner feedback on exam questions, but noted the system was hard to navigate and that the feedback can range from very brief to overly harsh.

Still, everyone who commented here believed the frustration was worth it.  “It forced me to practice exam style timed writing,” noted one Diploma holder.  Another person commented that they had a better sense of what examiners looked for even when the feedback was brief. “You are really hurting your chances of passing if you don’t do DAPS,” bluntly stated a third Diploma holder. “Make it happen!”

Along with DAPS, the Study Support materials on the proprietary WSET Diploma web site, The Global Campus, were critical.  One Diploma holder summed up the thoughts of most others, “I went through old exam questions each week and picked one to study.  Then I figured out how much time I’d have on the exam and limited my writing to that amount.  Only when I finished writing did I read what the examiner posted about how students actually did or what they showed as an example of a good answer. “

Some successful Diploma holders used the material on the Global Campus as the basis for a Theory grid for each region: with headings of Grape Variety, Climate, Soil, Viticulture and Winemaking.  Other people made flash cards and either took them with them everywhere or used the Quizlet app to maintain them.

Tip 3: Teach Your Friends and Family

Many Diploma holders said that the more they talked with other people about what they were learning, the more it stuck in their head.  Writing information in a notebook is not as effective at remembering it as when you have to speak it to someone else.  This is likely because you actually have to think about the information you are conveying, respond to questions and organize your thoughts in a way that are not just bullets on a page.

One Diploma holder said that he “bored his partner and friends to death with explaining the techniques for making Hunter Valley Semillon and South African Pinotage.”  In the end though, it definitely helped him cement his knowledge and his audience was rewarded with great free wine tasting opportunities.

Tip 4: Don’t Worry About Getting the Wine Right

Many Diploma holders said they often missed identifying the wines on the exam 100% correct, but still passed.  It is more important to get the components and quality level of the wines right, rather than correctly stating what the variety and origin is.  “The points are in the body of your tasting note – not in getting the wine type spot on,” said one Diploma holder.

Tip 5: Create a Study Schedule and Stick to It

The WSET gives an estimate of the minimum required study hours for each unit. Successful Diploma students said creating a weekly study schedule at the start of undertaking a unit and not diverting from it is critical.  This means that you should block time off each week on your calendar for studying and not change it or make it a low priority. One person suggested “treating it like it is a doctor’s appointment that you can’t miss.  If someone asks you to do something in that time and it was really a doctor’s appointment, you wouldn’t cancel it.”

Inevitably some study time will need to get cancelled for “life” reasons, but make sure that you build in extra contingency study hours and only give up your study time in a real emergency.  At the same time, while you are studying, make sure to keep things in perspective.  This is a course on wine and spirits – things that give people enjoyment – and so you too should find some level of fun in the program

Diploma is truly a rewarding experience.  You meet other people, build your wine and spirit knowledge to an incredibly strong depth and, if successful, get one of the most respected certificates in the industry.  It is also a prerequisite for the Masters of Wine program.

To begin Diploma you must first pass the WSET Level 3 Certificate in Wine.  The next Diploma and Level 3 Certificate courses start at the beginning of August.  For more information go to:


The All New WSET Level 3 Certificate in Wine

The All New WSET Level 3 Certificate in Wine

This August, WSET will launch an all new Level 3 Certificate in Wine, and Grape Experience Wine & Spirit School will be among the first providers to implement the new course.  The new Level 3 is the most dramatic and best revision of this sought after qualification I have ever seen in my 20 years as a student and WSET provider.

Everything about Level 3 is new: the course program, textbook, exam, and even the suggested teaching method.  Gone are the days of the old WSET Advanced Certificate with its black and white books and formal lectures.  The new Level 3 is more relevant, interactive and designed to allow students to immediately put in place what they learn into their daily lives and work.

WSET Courses

The new Level 3 utilizes the Socratic approach to teaching – a method familiar to people who have attended business or law school.  It is one of my favorite components of this new WSET course.  This approach focuses on giving students questions, not answers, to foster critical thinking. Team engagement and debate drives learning.  Teachers will guide students through material but the onus will be on each class member to explain thoughts, ideas and apply their own knowledge.

Utilizing the Socratic method may scare some WSET providers.  Instead, they may just use the old Level 3 lecture approach and session plans to teach the new course.  I believe this would be selling our students and the program short.  Grape Experience has spent time and resources to attend in person WSET training programs on the new Level 3 and to teach our teachers how to best deliver the new material.

My goal as a provider has always been to put the highest quality course forward, even if it means we make less profit margin. I know first-hand the power a great WSET course has on a student’s enthusiasm and ability to use information learned.  I had that feeling in every WSET course I ever took and I want people who enroll in a Grape Experience WSET course to feel it as well.

The new Level 3 course program spends considerably more time on the natural and human forces at work in the vineyard and winery.  It then drills down at how they manifest themselves in similar wines styles and terroirs.  For example, white, lesser aromatic wines of Burgundy are studied with similar styles from the Loire and Bordeaux.  Rich Mediterranean red wines are also studied together.  The old region by region approach is not lost, it is just reformulated to make more sense and to have more applicable across the board relevance for students.

Support materials for the course have also improved.  There are now 13 short films that students watch online to review the basics of regions.  The text book is more clear, up to date and has considerably more information on viticulture and winemaking.  The study guide is larger and contains some of the best and most useful wine maps I have ever seen.

The exam format remains relatively unchanged but with greater onus on the student to explain and apply key production and style drivers.  The tasting component no longer requires students to identify a specific wine and price, but rather focuses on the style of the wine.  I believe preparing for this exam will help make those students who want to go on to Diploma more successful.

Grape Experience is excited to launch the new Level 3 starting August 8 in Napa and August 9 in San Francisco.  Boston will begin on September 26.  Classes will meet one night a week for 16 weeks.  We feel this format gives students more time to live with and learn the material – rather than cramming the course into 4 weekend days.  It also makes preparing for class participation more focused and less daunting.

If you have never taken WSET Level 3 now is the perfect time.  If you already have the certificate I hope you will encourage your friends and colleagues to take the course.  Information can be found at:


The people at WSET who spent so much heart, soul and time working to build the new Level 3 deserve credit and appreciation.  Your efforts show in a job well done!